Brilliance no.9


Photographer Dennis Stenild,
and his team, nailed it again!
Responsible for another
stunning campaign
for kidsshow CIFF KIDS.

We have a big preference for this image.
It is soooo strong!!!!
Although the whole campaign is gorgeous.

You have to understand
that this campaign needs to represent Fall 17/18.
In black and white it’s timeless.
But if you take a closer look,
the details can tell you something about the timing.

The model with the beautiful eyes,
and especially with his stunning big eyebrows.
His cool, secure look.
A structured top
(which is even better
in black and white photography)
& a prop (the table)
which is real, not perfect!

Therefore this portrait gives the impression
he’s on a location
(his home or at the studio of an artist)
where he feels comfortable.
You believe it and it is still fashionable.
It is all about the details.

Dennis is widely recognized for his ability
to always make the models look absolutely stunning.
His lighting, fashion-sense and thoughtful postproduction
is visible throughout his work
and the CIFF KIDS campaign makes no exception.

Neat yet sophisticated
the images capture the beautiful kids,
with a touch of adulthood
and an elaborated sense of style.

We want more…

Photography: Dennis Stenild

scissors needed…

knip-je-eigen-beesten_loes-riphagen_coverWe are big fans
of Dutch Illustrator LOES RIPHAGEN‘s book
‘Trunk for the Nose’
or in Dutch ‘ Bij de neus genomen’.


That book is illustrated by a cutting paper (collage) technique,
which makes ‘the jungle’ becoming alive.
Actually for us it is art…
The cover of the book is open and looks like a showbox…
A black cover with the title in gold.
Really awesome and very unique!

As a follow up she’d made
which is something like

A booklet where she is teaching you
how to create a beautiful paper cut animal yourself.
In very easy steps with examples.
And if you will make a version on your own,
she will be delighted when you send her a picture.
Well, we will Loes : )

So obviously we’ve ordered this ourselves,
as we have a creative dude at home
and we are big fans of her work.

But this will be a great gift for birthdays,
Xmas or just creative days with the kids anyway.


 Images: /

Dancing Shoes

tch_frankeysue_1It’s no secret we have some favourite stores…
Even though we prefer to stay independent…
It is hard as some stores have it all and we fell a bit in love.

So we thought let’s share…

Starting with…

For this BEAUTY we wished we had a baby in the house.
We’ve tried to fit these at our 5-year-old…
But it didn’t work out ; )
So maybe we just put it in a glass bell and stare at it.
tch_frankeysue_4tch_frankeysue_3So if you can…, BUY IT! You really won’t regret it…
These dancing shoes of BIRDS OF NATURE



brothers_02_711-990x640brothers_02_697-990x640brothers_01_338-870x730brothers_01_077-990x640brothers_05_2240-480x640We’ve loved this series, for MILK MAGAZINE,
already since it was published in July,
this year …

But we will never publish the newest
because it’s new.
Only when the time is right.

We prefer to choose the coolest,
the contemporary
and therefore, in our opinion,
the best photoshoots with dudes.

So just check it out.
The images speaks for themselves.

The whole series you’ll find here!

For Milk magazine
Photographer : Tim Marsella
Creative Direcor: Jo McGuinness
Stylist: Fran Bartoli
Models :
Abobkr, Ahmed, Alex, Connor,
Dylan, George, Frank, Harvey,
Harry, Jaan, Lawrence & Lolli.

Brilliance no.8

TCH_Josh_by_Brock_ElbankImpressive portrait of Josh,
by the incredibly talented Mister Brock Elbank.
I knew his work before.
Familiar from the impressive BEARD-series,
which is not something the boys are ready for yet,
beards, ;-D

First of all this cool dude.

The photographer’s wife spotted this boy
and he thanked her for that on IG.
Totally understand that!
The most important ingredient to make it just a good
or an incredibly brilliant portrait is the right model.
Not just beautiful, but more likely one-of-a-kind.

His beautiful wreckles,
combined with his stunning curls and colour of his hair.
Never saw this before.

But then, the magic of the photographer…
the light, the background, the way the model poses.

In this portrait,
all has so many gorgeous tones in colour.
Absolutely stunning!
And his face is so strong,
his eyes have such a beautiful colour.
His torso is toned.
He could be a surfer, a football-player,
or just a boy his age.
It really doesn’t matter.
He has the grace of a contemporary Royal.
He looks so proud,
without any arrogance.
Just very very strong!

Absolutely brilliant!

Photography: Brock Elbank (mr. Elbank)


tch_super_groupe_costumesIt is that time of the year again… BOO!

But we’re figuring out,
is it about the costumes,
the candy or the scaryness…?

For us it’s about the costumes
and the scary faces.
Although, in a way,
they’re kind of cute all the time.

Here’s an example from the creatives of

The best costume!!!!
Very stylish, cute and fun!


More inspiration;

Image: Super Groupe


2014-11-17a22-01-232014-11-17a22-06-072014-11-17a22-02-302014-11-17a22-07-27Just because we LOVE these images!
Every time we see them it still makes us smile!

Even though ‘the face’ doesn’t smile… we just love ‘him’!
It is touching and so sweeeeeettt!!!
And the way
‘two eyes, 3 stripes of hair and one stripe as a mouth’
can make it instantly a character. That is so cool!

The lovely face is from LE TRAIN FANTOME

The series is from the blog of Aurélie Lécuyer, Le Dans La!
Aurélie is a talented photographer and stylist from France.
So we just want to show you something
which could make you just SMILE today!

Have a wonderful day!

Credits: Le Dans La by Aurélie Lécuyer


sol1_620_402_ssol7_620_402_ssol4_620_402_ssol_michelle_620_402_sThis is Sol for Boys by Girls.
Beautifully RAW captured
by the incredibly cool,
talented London-based Michelle Marshall.
We LOVE her work.

You feel it. Like you’ve been there too.
Like you were hanging out with them,
at the time of the photoshoot.
Like you know Sol.
It is raw but with such elegance. Always so stylish!
Brilliantly done by Becky Seager.

And read the inspiring text from this article.
It makes it a little documentary in stills.

Enjoy your weekend!

Photography: Michelle Marshall
Styling: Becky Seager
for Boys by Girls

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