Olympic vibes

Schermafbeelding 2016-08-09 om 11.36.24Exactly one year ago I’ve met Vicky Wang,
designer and owner of incredibly inspiring ONCE,
for the first time in CPH (CIFF kids).
Introduced by Caroline Bosmans (thanks so much!)

At that time she was presenting her SS16 collection, sports inspired.
But I’m pretty sure it wasn’t planned to come up with this around the #olympics2016.
She’s not a marketingmachine.
She designs from the heart, very intuitive.

So for some real strong inspiration from a very talented unique designer,
you should follow her.
And she happen to be such a great happy humble personality.

And we very much recommends this brand,
which we met last month in Paris again
at our favourite KID-shows.
SS17 collection, oh boy… you will love it!

While we had to run to get our plane back home
(couldn’t leave this fair, too good, too lovely people),
I wanted to say goodbye to Vicky and who was in her booth?
The COOLEST Michelle Marshall.
(Yes this beautiful image of the cool dude is hers, for Wildling Magazine).
One of our absolutely favourite photographers and loveable persons!!!

And for us it made the circle round…

Once Boutique
Michelle Marshall for Wildlingmagazine

It’s like this YO…

How are you feeling today?Boys don’t talk that easy (when they’re 13)…
So in our home with this teenager,
it sometimes would be a big help
if we had some tools to start the conversation with,
the ones they want to avoid…

So here’s a brilliant friend to talk to, by just pointing out…


Illustrations by akvile magicdust

Vision #no.1

TCH_kid's_wear_coverBefore we even started with interest
in any kid’s stuff,
this magazine was already our favourite!

kid’s wear magazine
An out-of-the-box-thinker, full of art, photography, vision, kidsfashion.
Very conceptual but at the same time very accessible,
if you’re openminded towards art and different visions.
The creatives interpret, so they will have a lot of freedom we assume…
And that makes it such a strong concept.

After more then 20!!! years (1995)
it is still the number one magazine…
Get inspired and be surprised every single issue
by this intelligent and
incredibly (#jealousmaking #inaverygoodwaythough) talented ‘family’.

“The most beautiful magazine in the world!”
(Bruce Weber)

p.s. Achim Lippoth is our hero!

Illustration: Stefhany Epes Lozano
Image: thecoolheads.com




TCH_Keith_Negley.1Such a COOL BOOK for upcoming fathers day!
Or any other day…

Beautifully, simple and stylish illustrations
which actually don’t need a lot of words.
The story is like  a contemporary fairytale…
all will be fine…

An artist with a great sense of humor.
Colorful charming illustrations
which makes us talk about emotions,
with the kids, without making it heavy.

Check his other VERY COOL book too!
TOUGH GUYS (have feelings too).

All found on the amazing online store,
we follow for quite some time…,

Illustrations and cool words: Keith Negley

Where’s my bone?

Scenario_perro-596x596 For some reason the dudes started to stalk their mum,
every single day, with questions about their project ‘DOG!’
It drives us nuts!

Not something you decide in a day.
A commitment for about 14 years!
So we gave them an assignment;
A twice a day walk around the block
(without a dog and for two months),
through all kinds of weather,
which will make the chance bigger
to get this new member of the family,
if they still want it after that.

We assume they will choose the ‘easy’ way,
the cool comfy cushions of CHISPUM.
Such a brilliant idea!
Three in a row will make ‘the hot-dog-dog’, hahahahaa!
Much more relaxed…



A BIG WANNAHAVE! Just to look at…
Although the idea is for the bathroom
or somewhere with water…
We will never leave the bathtub again…

Floating bath toys, inspired by Cotto’s Pætchwork collection.
Sponges and pumice stones shaped like building blocks
can form a playful atmosphere in the bathroom.
Create an imaginary world in and around the water
and play around with these colorful blocks to build a floating waterscape!

Don’t get too excited yet…
Actually this is a prototype
from the Amsterdam based
designstudio ‘De Intuïtiefabriek’.
It’s an all female designstudio finding common ground
in their intuitive way of working
and their use of materials and techniques.

That’s what we love about this design
and their way of working…
It doesn’t look ‘girly’ at all, whatever that means…
It has such fine and refined details
which comes with a tremendous focus we guess.
And their unique signature, obviously.

Waterscape is developed for the exhibition
Cotto Another Perspective, Salone del Mobile 2016.

As at the moment Waterscape is still a prototype,
they are looking for ways to develop it into a commercial product.
Any suggestion feel free to contact them at: info@deintuitiefabriek.nl

We would be very grateful
if we can actually stay in the bathtub
for quite some time…, in the near future ; )

Photography: Ruud Peijnenburg

NYC sunshine swag!

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Processed with VSCOcam with c9 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with c9 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with c9 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with c9 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with c9 preset

Agatha Cub… from NYC!

Creative director, lovely Bianca Reis,
is the creator behind this beautiful refined cool brand.
Launched in 2013 already!

With two cool dudes [ her nephews ]
as her inspiration and her background in fashion
she has created a gorgeous, very contemporary and fashionable style.
With a very ‘own identity’.
High quality, sustainable and ethically made.

We can blabla about all the details,
but we think with just taking a closer look,
it says more then words does.

It’s so beautifully well-made!
Inside and outside have different prints.
Typical AC!

Today, their Spring Summer 16 collection
‘BOTANICALS’ is launching as you’ve just found out ; )
Taking a look at the stunning shots.

Beautiful, VERY COOL & a big wanna have…
Every item is strong and unique, because of,
for sure, the amazing prints and strong forms.
So if you wear just a piece of AC with a basic,
the boys will still shine big time!

Button down’s, sweaters, comfy pants and shorts.
The longer tees with different prints are already a favourite.
But actually we can’t choose…
From the ‘bunny black’ we want it all!

Available in all the cool stores from today on!
Like a few of our favourites,
where you can actually try it on;
Charlotte’s KID Antwerp and Anne’s TINY store Berlin

Dream with us about SPRING & SUMMER,
go and check the whole collection.
Sold out in a bit, is our prediction ; )


All images are from Agatha Cub’s lookbook.

p.s. We always try to show you just the dudes-stuff,
but how can we not show you the girls in their coolest outfits?
So just a glimpse, because we can’t resist!


The A is for AWESOME!


Our lovely friends from WOLF & RITA
won a very well deserved ‘MILK AWARD’ last week.


This cool award from MILK MAGAZINE,
at kids fair PLAYTIME PARIS, is for ‘best fashion AW16’.
Their collection is stunninggg…!

The fabrics are so rich as in material.
So inspiring as in design.
Their designs are really one of a kind.
Refined in details.
Almost Haute Couture,
but in a fashionable and very wearable way.

And in between they’ve launched a big surprise,
a baby collection AW16.
Boy oh boy… We fell in love…
Knitted pants in camel with pompoms… Melting here!

It must be influenced by Claudia,
one of the sisters, who became a mum last year.

Unfortunately we can’t show you these beauties yet…
#bigsecret #youhavetowaituntiljuly ; )

But, today we can show you some beauty
for #springsummer16…

Called “Bonjour Jeunesse”.
A little hommage to the thrilling European film history
and to an amazing group of influential artists.
French New Wave rocks!

Black & White, stripes, lovelyyyyyy shirts
and onesies for the big boys.
Comfortable pants, graphic prints.
Check the back of the white denim sleeveless vest.
You can see the names of their inspirational artists.

You can find the entire new collection at the designers!
With the most gorgeous girls styles too!
There’s also a big list of stores,
who will sell these collections.
We know for sure it’s available in your country.
And if not, there’s always online shopping worldwide.
You won’t regret it!
Whoop whoop!

Looking forward to some sunshine right now,
where the boys can shine in style!

Enjoy a wonderful day!

Photography: Carlos Lobo for Wolf & Rita







Last sunday we’ve visited ‘Elle Decoration Live’ in Amsterdam.
An event with a lot of interesting designers,
masterclasses and inspiring area’s
with cool (new) designs from Etsy to the well-known versions.

Elle Decoration had created 6 different area’s
based on style, color, vibe etc.

One was, a colorful ‘area’ where we found,
the awesome contemporary wooden toys,
called CARtools of Dutch designer
Already well-known from his
ARCHE TOYS (the iconic series of vehicles),
BottleBOAT & CARton.

He has created a simple box of building bricks forms,
like we know from our childhood.
But so inventive,  smart (as ever!) and creative
by making it possible to make your own version of vehicles.

This concept offers much more room for the imagination.
By switching, moving and turning around the basic shapes
new, individual configurations are created over and over again.
Whether or not they are the assembled with your own tape or elastic bands.
In this way the wooden blocks acquire the role of design tool.


Endless possibilities. Brilliant colors!
As contemporary as it can be!

The best X-mas (or Sinterklaas) gift everrrr!!!
Maybe even for mum or dad!


Photography: florishovers.nl

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