Just boys…

311451fa96dedd51f6f4d3a11c99b2edSuch an interesting art piece. This image of photographer/artist Thomas Rousset,
from his series Prabérians.
The first instant moment you see it,
it’s just two boys photographed in their bathroom/home.

But then the story will be told…. Well your imagination is starting the engine…
You will end up watching this for a long time and figuring out the story.
It’s very contemporary, but also very normal as in the subject.
A village with inhabitants.
Boys at home.

But there is something strange, something different.
Something very tasteful and stylish! Amazing colors.
You can’t count on your relaxed brain, it needs to work…
Enjoy your imagination around this very cool
contemporary piece of art. It’s a mirror. Beautiful!

Thomas said this about it (and yes he can do best as he’s the artist):
‘Prabérians takes roots in a dialogue between my rural origins
and my creative process as a photographer.
These images came out of a fantasy; that of a fictive rural community,
lost in space and time, evolving in a dream-like French countryside.
My photographs are not following a defined narration;
every mise-en-scène rather tries to rebuild my memories of a rural world
where the farmers’ routine is confronted
with the most exotic archetypes of the peasant life.
The real world is my inspiration.
I make photographs with the inhabitants of my village and their animals
and re-locate them in a floating reality that is timeless, unlikely and intriguing;
a reality that is a blend of a raw normality and absurd exuberance’.
(credits:  Feature Shoot)

Photography: Thomas Rousset

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